Photo 135: Intro to Photojournalism: Reading Assignments

Instructor: Sue Leith:                Office Hours Monday 1-2 MRP 2011



Assignment Photography: Chapter 1 Test Review Questions


Chapter 1 - Assignment

(Some questions require you to mark several correct answers for credit on the question)


1) If you do not have a scanner radio, list three other ways to find out about breaking spot news.

      a)  b)    c) 


2) List three ways to find out about a planned news event.

 a)    b)       c)


3) Often photographers and reporters work together. What do writers need that differs from what photographers need when working on a personality profile?


4) What are the considerations a photographer has when making arrangements for the time and place to take photos of a subject?



5) In general, what are the advantages of a self generated assignment over one that comes from the city desk.



6) What are the reasons to take an overall picture of an event?






7) Explain what is meant by

     a) ÒBig Game HunterÓ

     b) ÒHit and RunÓ    

     c) ÒOut in the openÓ


8) What is the 5Õ7Ó syndrome and why should you avoid it?


9) How do shooting styles of professionals and amateurs differ?


10) To assure visual variety what lens do you use for and what is the significance of:

overall shots   

medium shots  

close up shots

10) Using what approach did Tom Gralish use when he was assigned to photograph the homeless?

     a) Environmental Portrait

     b) Documentary

     c) Illustration

     e) Photo story


11) Describe the shooting styles of

     A) Ernst Haas  



     B) Henri Cartier-Bresson  



     C) Robert Capa